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Yes, we have “short memories”! Reason NDC is eager to win power to share the “meat”…God will surely save Ghana - Koku Anyidoho


Koku Anyidoho

3 months ago
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Suspended member of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Samuel Koku Anyidoho has warned Ghanaians about his party's agenda to win the 2024 general election.

According to him, the party aims to share postings to themselves and amass wealth.

Koku Anyidoho popularly known as the ‘Bulldozer’ was reacting to recent comments by the party's National Chairman, Johnson Asiedu Nketiah.

Asiedu Nketiah is on record as tasking the party members to be focused on winning power in the 2024 elections rather than fighting over appointments which he described as “meat” that will be shared only after elections have been won.

His comment according to Koku Anyidoho is an indication that Mahama's second coming will not benefit Ghanaians as expected. 

"Oyiwa! He is now crying because they have shared the post and left him and his people out? Naniama ”Wu be ti borborliborbor”. So the whole dead goat terminal 4yrs agenda is about sharing post and NOT caring about Ghana huh? God will surely save Ghana."

“This was said at the outdooring of our Running Mate? Whaaat!!! So, after we were once told that the “meat” had been squandered, & the “bones” rudely thrown at us, they are boldly talking about “sharing meat”? Obviously, they believe we have “short memories”. God save Ghana,” Kuku said in a series of posts on X formerly Twitter. 

source: Theannouncergh.com