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FOUR PRESEC students ARRESTED for staging the kidnapping of fellow student to extort money from victim's parents

Local News

3 months ago
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The Ghana Police Service, through an intelligence-led operation and investigation, has arrested Six (6) persons including Four (4) Juveniles who are all Students of Presbyterian Boys Senior High School (PRESEC), Legon, Accra for staging a kidnapping incident. 

The two(2) adults among the six (6) are Isaac Kissi Adjei alias Kofi Black and Courage Teiko alias Timmy.

Preliminary investigations revealed that one of the juveniles, in an attempt to extort money from his parents to enable him to travel abroad, conspired with the others to stage the kidnapping incident. 

In the process, they demanded an amount of Three Hundred and Forty Thousand Ghana Cedis (GH₵ 340,000.00) as ransom from the alleged victim’s parents.

The Investigation further disclosed that the juveniles together with the two others succeeded in collecting an amount of Twenty Thousand Ghana Cedis (GH₵20,000.00) of the total ransom demanded.

In line with best practice, the identities of the juveniles have been withheld and their parents and guardians have been duly informed, as police investigations into the incident continue.

Police rescue 

The police found the PRESEC student who was reportedly kidnapped by some unknown individuals.

According to sources familiar with the development, the Police are now on the hills of the suspects who were holding the male student.

The family of the boy confirmed the development to Theannouncergh.com.


A 17-year-old student from the prestigious Presbyterian Boys Senior High School (PRESEC), Legon was kidnapped and held for ransom by unknown assailants.

The student, whose name has been withheld, was abducted on 28th March 2024 while on his way from campus to home during the Easter school break.

Disturbing photos sent to the family show the student has been harmed.

The kidnappers who initially demanded a staggering 34 million naira (approximately GHc 340,000) ransom from the family threatened to sell the body parts of the kidnapped PRESEC boy should the family refuse to send the money.

With threats of harvesting their son's organs, if they didn't comply, the desperate family negotiated the ransom down to 20,000 cedis - all they could afford.

They sent the money via mobile money, but the kidnappers refused to release the boy unless an extra 300,000 cedis was paid in full.


source: Theannouncergh.com