In response to the devastating aftermath of the Akosombo Dam spillage that displaced thousands of residents along the Lower Volta Basin six months ago, the newly appointed Minister for Works and Housing, Kojo Oppong Nkrumah, has pledged to prioritize the resettlement of the affected communities.
Providing updates on the government’s resettlement efforts when he appeared before Parliament on Thursday, March 14, 2024, Mr. Oppong Nkrumah said the government will not renege on its plans to address the plight of those displaced by the spillage.
"The government acknowledges the profound impact of the Akosombo Dam spillage on communities and households. In light of this, we have established an inter-ministerial committee to ensure a well-coordinated response," Minister Oppong Nkrumah affirmed.
He said so far, the inter-ministerial committee, chaired by the Chief of Staff at the Office of the President, has spearheaded relief efforts and made sure victims had access to essential items when the flood wreaked havoc.
Further, the Minister disclosed ongoing efforts by the government in gathering crucial background information to inform the government's decisions on resettlement strategies.
He said this will ensure the government has a full understanding of the matter to ensure that the plight of victims are well addressed.
"The resettlement will have far-reaching social, economic, and cultural implications on individuals, households, and communities. Therefore, the government is committed to fully understanding these implications," he added.
In response to the Member of Parliament (MP) for South Dayi, Rockson Nelson Dafeamekpor’s question over the delay in resettling flood victims, Mr. Oppong Nkrumah said plans are far advanced and in due time, the government will make known its resettlement plans in providing much-needed relief and support to those impacted by the disaster.