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Stop reporting fellow Ghanaians to immigration for not having green cards - US-based Ghanaian lawyer advises

Local News

5 months ago
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In an insightful interview on Hello Frank's YouTube channel, Deputy District Attorney Ebenezer Appiagyei delivered a powerful message to fellow Ghanaians and Africans living in America, encouraging responsible reporting and dispelling misconceptions around immigration obligations.

During the interview, Appiagyei emphasized the importance of understanding one's legal obligations in the context of immigration matters.

"Let me advise our fellow Ghanaians and other Africans living in America," he began, "You're not obligated by law to report a fellow brother, friend, or any relation to the immigration because you think they don't have green cards or residence documents in America. This isn't your obligation. Leave the job for the right institution to handle it."

Appiagyei's statement underscored the misconception that individuals are legally required to report others based on immigration status.

He urged the community to trust the established institutions and legal processes, emphasizing that it is not within the public's duty to take matters into their own hands regarding immigration matters.

"Rather," Appiagyei continued, "report when you notice an act of human trafficking, abuse, child abuse, and other criminal acts. Don't just report someone because you feel (based on hear - say and emotions) they don't have proper documentation to live in America."

The Deputy District Attorney's advice reflects his deep understanding of immigration issues and the potential consequences of misguided reporting.

By encouraging a focus on serious criminal activities, Appiagyei aims to foster a community that prioritises responsible reporting, ensuring that law enforcement can effectively address genuine threats while respecting individuals' rights.

As the interview gained traction on social media, Appiagyei's words resonated with many, sparking discussions on the importance of informed reporting within immigrant communities.

His commitment to promoting understanding and legal awareness further solidifies his reputation as a legal advocate dedicated to justice and community well-being.

source: Frank Ntiamoah, Contributor