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“We’ll get him out!” – Koku vows a premature end to Asiedu Nketiah's chairmanship


1 years ago
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Former Deputy General Secretary of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Samuel Koku Anyidoho says it will be ‘disastrous’ to see his party’s National Chairman, Johnson Asiedu Nketiah end his four-year tenure.


He claimed the party will sink if he (Mr Nketiah) is not forced out of office with immediate effect.


“We can’t continue with him, we will get him out,” Mr Anyidoho asserted.


Johnson Asiedu Nketiah’s Chairmanship has been questionable in recent times after his orchestrated reshuffle of minority leaders in parliament. 


He has maintained on several platforms that the change is “good for the party” – and held the new leadership will help the NDC win the next election.


But many including Koku Anyidoho are of the view that his leadership will rather cause more harm to the NDC.


“Just within a month in office, he tarnished the image of the Chairmanship role,” he was speaking to NEAT FM’s morning show.

source: Theannouncergh.com