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STATEMENT: Retract and apologise to us for the erroneous misrepresentation - Ashanti Constituency Chairmen To Alan


Alan Kyerematen

11 months ago
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Our attention has been drawn to the circulation of a video which erroneously and unfairly misrepresents our position and views with respect to our preferred choice for the upcoming presidential elections in our party.

We are highly livid and worried about how our statements have been mischievously pieced together to portray a supposed declaration for Hon. Alan Kyerematen, and same shown on UTV during their major news bulletin.

We the Constituency chairmen of the Adanse enclave have already openly and boldly declared our support for the Vice President, HE Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, as our choice for the flag-bearership race, and this is a decision that we don’t intend to rescind nor reverse. To set the records straight, among the 6 constituency chairmen of the Adanse Enclave, it is only the New Edubiase constituency chairman who doesn’t support Dr. Bawumia, and even with that, he doesn’t support Hon. Kyerematen either.

We as constituency chairmen thought it was the right, appropriate and honourable thing to do, when we received and honoured the invitation of Hon Alan Kyerematen’s team to the delegates durbar since he’s also one of the presidential aspirants and a stalwart of our party. We accorded him that respect just as we would accord any other presidential aspirant the same respect a d audience. But for his team to misrepresent our statements is something we find absolutely wrong and unfair.

We, therefore, demand an unqualified apology from them. Thank you.

Kwame Owusu Adansi Asokwa Chairman  024 594 5526
(DMB Campaign Coordinator, Adanse Zone)
