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Rawlings died with his NDC - Allotey Jacobs


1 years ago
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Bernard Allotey Jacobs, former Central Regional Chairman of the largest opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) has said he is inclined to believe that the late Jerry John Rawlings, Founder of the party has taken the party to his grave due to the lack of direction and recent happenings in the party.


He spoke during a panel discussion on Peace FM's 'kokrokoo' programme with Kwami Sefa Kayi on his take on last Friday's approval of six ministerial appointees of President Akufo-Addo.


According to him they have done it to Koku Anydoho, Stephen Atubiga and now they are doing it to about 33 Members of Parliament.


"I have been a National Executive member of the party, and I know the history of the party. The young ones coming don't know how the formation of NDC came about," Allotey Jacobs said, adding that a civilised party like the NDC are raining curses on each other.


" . .They don't know how the formation of the NDC even came about . . . we have gentlemen and ladies who have joined the party and you look at them, you listen to what they say and you ask youself, Is NDC not metamorphosing into CPP? Today, Rawlings is dead and gone, the man who formed his party. I am inclined to believe that Flt. Lt. Jerry Rawlings has taken his NDC with him . . ." he added.


He said the election of a Leader of Parliament is always done at the National Executive Committee meeting in the presence of all MPs who vote to elect who feel can lead them.


"That is how the party is, that is why I am saying there is something wrong somewhere or Flt Lt. Jerry John Rawlings has died with his NDC just like how Nkrumah died with his CPP," he added.


A large number of the Minority in Parliament, last Friday, voted for President Akufo-Addo's ministerial appointees despite announcing they will not approve the new Ministers unless the President reduces the size of his government.


This act by the NDC MPs has triggered angry reactions from the party's leadership and Ex-President John Dramani Mahama.


They have been labeled "traitors" by their party with some members calling for strict action to be taken against those who defied the order and voted for the new Ministers.

source: Theannouncergh.com