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Shocking! NDC MP for Okaikwei North ‘opposes’ development projects in her Okaikwei North


2 months ago
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Theresa Lardi Awuni, the National Democratic Congress (NDC) MP for Okaikwei North, joined forces with her opposition lawmakers on Friday to block the approval of a $150 million loan aimed at addressing severe flooding issues in her constituency.

The loan is part of the Greater Accra Resilient and Integrated Development (GARID) project, designed to provide critical infrastructure improvements to communities plagued by recurrent floods.

The GARID project, a $200 million initiative funded by the World Bank, aims to enhance flood risk management, solid waste management, and improve basic infrastructure in the Odaw River Basin communities.

Alogboshie, a suburb within the Okaikwei North Municipality, stands to be the first beneficiary, with plans for new access roads, primary and secondary drains, street lights, and water network extensions.

However, the move to block the loan has sparked outrage among residents and local leaders who accuse Awuni of neglecting the urgent needs of her constituency.

“This decision is a betrayal,” exclaimed Kwame Asante, a resident of the constituency after hearing the news. “We have been waiting for years for improvements to our drainage systems to stop the flooding that destroys our homes and livelihoods every rainy season. For our MP to oppose this funding is unacceptable.”

Yaa Serwaa, a shop owner in Akweteyman, echoed similar sentiments. “We voted for Theresa Lardi Awuni believing she had our best interests at heart. But her actions show she does not care about our struggles. Blocking this loan means more years of suffering for us.”

The GARID project is seen as a lifeline for low-income communities, including Akweteyman and Nima, which also face significant flooding challenges. The former Minister of Works and Housing, Francis Asenso-Boakye, highlighted the importance of the project at a sod-cutting ceremony in December last year, emphasising the benefits of improved public services and reduced flood risks.

“At the heart of the GARID project is the goal to enhance the living conditions of our people by providing essential infrastructure and reducing flood risks,” Asenso-Boakye stated."

“The commencement of these projects in Alogboshie, and soon in Akweteyman and Nima, is a step towards a more resilient Greater Accra.”

source: Theannouncergh.com