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Funny Face granted GHc120K bail after accident


3 months ago
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The District Court at Kasoa Akweley has granted bail to embattled Benson Nana Yaw Oduro popularly known as Funny Face in the sum of GHc120k.

In addition to the bail sum, he has been directed by the presided over by Annie Adobor to provide two sureties.

Funny Face is facing charges of careless and inconsiderate driving and two counts of negligently causing harm.

His plea on the charges has not been taken as investigations are still ongoing.

He is expected to reappear on May 10.

The Comedian and actor was first arraigned on March 26 and remanded for two weeks until Tuesday, April 9, when he was admitted to bail.

He was arrested on the evening of Sunday, March 24 after he hit four people with his car, in an accident at Kakraba, in Kasoa.

Funny Face, a comedian, is said to have knocked down a 50-year-old woman and two children at Kakraba Junction on the Kasoa Nyanyano road and have sustained various degrees of injuries.

source: Theannouncergh.com