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Group wants Bawumia to choose Osei Kyei Mensah-Bonsu as running mate


3 months ago
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A group calling itself the Asante Patriotic Network-Diaspora says a Bawumia-Kyei Mensah-Bonsu ticket for the New Patriotic Party (NPP) will be a solid pair to ensure the party's victory in the December 7, presidential election.

The pro-New Patriotic Party group in a statement described the former majority leader as a “perfect” man for the running mate position after citing his unmatched leadership in parliament and the NPP.

“We strongly believe that he is the right person that the party needs at this material moment. We remember how Hon. Kyei Mensah conducted himself when he was supposedly relieved of his post amidst controversial circumstances.”

“He shelved and sacrificed his interest for the unity of the Party. He earned a lot of respect from everyone.” A portion of the statement reads.

Read below the full statement 


The Asante Patriotic Network-Diaspora is a pro-New Patriotic Party group which champions the interests of Asanteman through the NPP. As our name explains itself, we are based in the diaspora, particularly the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Canada, China, Korea, Japan and Europe. We usually prefer to operate on the quiet, but we have gotten to a point where we find it necessary to come public with some concerns.

But before we cut to the chase, APN-D would want to seize this chance to commend the NPP Government for the good job done so far although the Global economy has not have it easy due to COVID-19 and the Ukraine-Russia War. We therefore commend the Government for outstanding initiatives like the Free SHS, and the Digitalization drive which is spearheaded by the Flagbearer of our Party and Vice President of the Republic of Ghana, HE Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia.

Because of these initiatives, Ghanaians in the diaspora no longer have the headache of sending money home for school fees. The Free SHS has reduced our financial burden astronomically. The digitalization drive through the mobile money interoperability which is championed by DMB has also made it easier, simpler and more convenient for us to send money to our families and loved ones back home directly from our mobile phones which was not the case.

While we commend the Government, we acknowledge the fact that our stronghold, which happens to be the home region of this group, has been in the news for negative reasons recently. It is all about the selection of a Running Mate.

Ashanti has been given a golden opportunity to be at the seat of government once again and we cannot afford to miss it. We are indeed saddened and worried by the supposed power-play in the region, and we fear that, this could make our beloved region lose this Running Mate chance if care is not taken.

We are therefore suggesting that the Flagbearer and the top hierarchy of the Party consider the immediate past Majority Leader and Member of Parliament for the Suame Constituency, Hon. Osei Kyei Mensah Bonsu, for the Running Mate position. We believe besides the fact that he is overly competent for the position, his selection will go a long way to restore calm and unity in the region and the party. Both feuding factions for the Running Mate “race” would gladly welcome his nomination.

We strongly believe that he is the right person that the party needs at this material moment. We remember how Hon. Kyei Mensah conducted himself when he was supposedly relieved of his post amidst controversial circumstances. He shelved and sacrificed his interest for the unity of the Party. He earned a lot of respect from everyone. 

He enjoys enormous respect in the Ashanti Region, the party and among his fellow MPs. His leadership skills and political acumen are admired far and wide, even across both political divides.

It is for these reasons and many more that we passionately and humbly appeal to our Flagbearer and the leadership of our Party to consider him as the Running Mate as this will go a long way to restore the needed unity and peace that we want for our party in the Ashanti Region. 

Thank you!

source: Theannouncergh.com