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NDC MP threatens lawsuit against 'overaged' GRA boss


Member of Parliament for South Dayi Rockson Nelson Dafeamekpor

5 months ago
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Member of Parliament for South Dayi Rockson Nelson Dafeamekpor has hinted that Commissioner General of the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) Rev Amishaddai Owusu-Amoah will face legal consequences for his continued stay as the GRA boss without a contract extension from the Ministry of Finance.

Rev Owusu-Amoah, who is more than 60 years old and is therefore required by law to have a contract authorising him to continue as GRA boss, has been at the post for about two years without any such authorisation from the appointing authority.

For Mr Dafeamekpor, Rev Owusu-Amoah is not supposed to be at the post because he has no document backing his being at the post, adding that Rev Owusu-Amoah will face legal action.

"The collusion and the cronyism and politics is what is eating our system away. If it is not politics, which country will this happen? And he too, it doesn't bother him to prompt that you must regularize my stay? ... People [ like Rev Owusu-Amoah] don't care any longer but a day is coming that they will care," Rockson Nelson Dafeamekpor said in an interview with Okay FM.

Mr Dafeamekpor explained that without a contract, Rev Owusu-Amoah is still working and drawing salary amounts to unearned salaries, a violation cited countless times by the Auditor General.

At a sitting of the Public Accounts Committee recently, Rev Owusu-Amoah confirmed that he was beyond sixty years and had been asked by the Finance Minister to stay on with a written contract.

In the view of Mr Dafeamekpor, the government ( Finance Ministry and the Presidency) should have taken immediate steps after the Public Accounts Committee hearing to regularize Rev Owusu-Amoah's stay at the GRA. But that has not been done.

source: Theannouncergh.com