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Reject calls from any politician to engage in violence - Kathleen Addy appeals to Ghanaians


5 months ago
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The chairperson of the National Commission for Civic Education, Ms Kathleen Addy, has advised citizens not to respond to politicians who would want to incite them to engage in violence going into and after the 2024 general elections.

The chairperson gave this advice during a European Union-sponsored Prevention Containing Violent Extremism (PCVE) engagement with skilled trade workers held in Dambai on February 16, 2024.

During her engagement,  she emphasized the need to maintain the country's peace and called on citizens to reject any calls to disrupt it. “let us be wise this year and reject calls from any politician who would want to use us for violence". She said. Ms Addy went on to say that citizens should rather encourage the politicians who call on them to engage in violence to use their children and families instead.

Taking his turn to address the participants, the Oti Regional Director, Mr Robert Boame, said violent extremism used to be a phrase associated with North African countries but is now as close as countries that share a border with Ghana.

He encouraged participants to do their best and help the security agencies prevent violent extremism from entering Ghana. Mr. Boame also said, " Extremist activities are now as close as countries that share the border with us. We must be vigilant and be sure to report any suspicious group or individual that comes to our communities to the security agencies".

The Municipal Director of NCCE, Mr. Clement Mamadu, on his part advised the participants to be careful in their usage of social media. According to him, some of these extremists usually recruit through that medium. He went on to say that "their mode of operation shows that first, they would indoctrinate you to accept their position before the recruitment, and all these happen on social media".

Some of the participants shared their stories about how they witnessed the destruction of their communities in the past through violence and went on to advise their fellow participants not to let their guard down in preventing violent extremists from entering Ghana.

source: Theannouncergh.com