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ASICS issues statement on member school vrs parent transcript issue

Local News

1 years ago
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The Association of International Certification Schools (ASICS) has taken note of the ongoing dispute between one of its member schools, Association International School, and a former parent of the school, whose wards are no longer enrolled at the school but are requiring transcripts without settling school fees arrears.


We would like to state that Association International School is a school of very high repute that has contributed immensely to the development of high-quality human capital in our nation as well as internationally. 


Under the visionary leadership of the current head, Mrs Audrey Doryumu, the school has been transformed into a first-class educational facility which is run with commendable professionalism, dedication and care for the needs of students and the growing number of parents that they serve.


Our understanding of the current impasse.


It is our understanding that a contractual agreement between the parent and the school was signed on admission to the school, to the effect that any required official documents would not be released until all outstanding fees were paid in full. This is standard procedure in most educational institutions not only in Ghana but worldwide. So what the school is requiring from Mrs Avle is not a new demand being made on her personally, but an application of school procedure which has been in place for many years and which  Mrs Avle signed up for when she enrolled her children in the school.


The issue of trust and cooperation between stakeholders in education is at stake here. The school management allowed the students to remain in school in good faith and with the understanding that the outstanding fees would be paid. The alternative would have been to expel the students.


We would like to explain that it is the culture of most, if not all private educational institutions that school fees are expected to be paid at the beginning of the term or semester. However, many schools, in order to assist parents who may be struggling financially, allow students to attend, even though they have not paid. Many schools are prepared to do this in good faith that the fees will be paid as agreed.


Our recommendation.


We regret that this case has been escalated to the courts.


Our real wish and desire would have been that this matter should be addressed within the good ‘family atmosphere’ that prevails in AIS between Management and Parents, or failing that, recourse sought within the wider community of international private schools currently represented by ASICS. We believe that this option can still be considered.


Yours sincerely,



Mrs Florence Adjepong


Association of International Certificate Schools, Ghana.

source: Theannouncergh.com