Dear General Secretary,
I trust this message finds you in the best of health and high spirits. Today, I pen my words with a profound and heartfelt concern for the present state of our beloved NDC party, especially in light of the impending elections for the UK/Ireland chapter. It has come to my attention that certain internal matters, involving selected members of the national executive, threaten to obstruct the candidacy of Mr. Kofi Ampomah—a seasoned and accomplished politician who has admirably served as the Deputy Youth Organizer in the Uk and Ireland chapter of our great party.
Mr. Ampomah, having previously held the pivotal role of Deputy Youth Organizer, now aspires to assume the mantle of Deputy Organizer. His official letter of intent eloquently articulates his aspirations for this specific role, and he has diligently navigated the rigorous vetting process designed for the Deputy Organizer position.
Regrettably, disconcerting reports have emerged, suggesting that certain individuals, perhaps driven by personal and tribal interests, are unwavering in their efforts to undermine Mr. Ampomah's candidacy in favor of another contender, Ms. Gifty Ohui Agbenu. Disturbing allegations have surfaced, implying that they have manipulated the details on his application forms, erroneously categorizing him as Deputy Youth Organizer instead of Deputy Organizer.
This situation is profoundly troubling for a multitude of reasons. Chief among them is the fact that Mr. Ampomah has not faced official disqualification by the esteemed three-member committee which was set up by the Functional Executive Committee (FEC). Furthermore, compelling evidence from these reputable committees unequivocally attests to his impeccable standing. It is worth noting that their report has not yet been presented to the FEC for due consideration. Nevertheless, a communique bearing the signature of the General Secretary of the party has been dispatched, prematurely instigating the electoral proceedings.
These developments beckon us to question the motivations underlying these actions, including the possibility of ethnicity or personal agendas being at play. The NDC takes immense pride in its unwavering commitment to inclusivity and unity, steadfastly advocating that all members, regardless of their ethnic backgrounds, stand together to advance the party's success.
Mr. Ampomah has demonstrated unwavering dedication to our party, committing his time, resources, and unwavering passion over the years. It is deeply disheartening to witness him being subjected to unjust treatment. We must conscientiously weigh the far-reaching implications of denying him the opportunity to vie for a position for which he has been rigorously vetted.
Honorable Fifi Fiavi Kwetey, a figure we have fervently supported and campaigned for, commands immense respect within our party. We harbor unshakable faith in his ability to set an example by upholding the principles of fairness and unity that constitute the bedrock of our party.
In my humble plea, I beseech you, in your esteemed capacity as General Secretary, to revisit this decision. Proceeding with the election amidst these contentious circumstances threatens to sow discord and division within the UK/Ireland chapter, causing harm not only to its members but also to their families and supporters in Ghana.
The core strength of our party hinges upon our unity—a quality we can ill afford to compromise for any reason. Therefore, I earnestly request your intervention in this matter to ensure a transparent and equitable electoral process that unequivocally upholds the principles of fairness and inclusivity.
I retain an unyielding belief in the NDC's resilience and its unwavering commitment to justice. I am confident that you, in your wisdom, will undertake the necessary steps to rectify this situation, thereby affording Mr. Kofi Ampomah the opportunity he so justly deserves to contest the position.
I extend my heartfelt gratitude for your discerning consideration of this matter. I remain ever optimistic that a prompt and favorable resolution shall serve as a cornerstone, further strengthening our beloved party.
With utmost sincerity,
Rtd Major Fred Dovi
Ireland Chapter NDC