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Bawumia is clearly the choice of the grassroots, we are voting for him - Ashanti regional constituency chairmen declare


Veep Dr Mahamudu Bawumia

11 months ago
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Ashanti Regional constituency chairmen of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) say Dr Mahamudu Bawumia is the best candidate the lead the NPP in the next election.

They have described the vice president as “The Choice of The Grassroots” and are ready to vote for him in the party’s upcoming Super Delegates Conference.

“Dr. Bawumia is clearly the choice of the grassroots. No one can deny that fact.” A portion of a statement from the Regional Constituency Chairmen read.

Below is the full statement

We the Association of Constituency Chairmen acting on the thunderous widespread demand by the grassroots and polling station executives in our various constituencies to vote for their choice in the upcoming Super Delegates Conference are making this public statement that we are true to this call from our party people.

Dr. Bawumia is clearly the choice of the grassroots. No one can deny that fact. As Constituency Chairmen, we have met on this particular issue, and have arrived at a firm resolution that, our grassroots and polling station executives are right. We are therefore seizing this moment to unanimously express our agreement to this call.

We will also urge and entreat all the Constituency Chairmen to heed the call from the grassroots and polling station executives and vote for Dr Bawumia in their numbers. Because this is the shining moment for us as the Ashanti Region to make history and settle the score in the minds of Ghanaians that, the Ashanti NPP delegate does not vote on tribal lines. We believe one day somehow, it will be the turn of one of ours, and we will all join to push that person. This is not been tribalistic, this is been objective. One of ours someday will get our push, but for now, it is not our turn. This project is simply; making Ashanti Greater in NPP.

Thank you

Dominic Bosompem, Dean of Constituency Chairmen & Odotobri Constituency Chairman.

(024425 8138)

George Adjei, Nhyiaeso Constituency Chairman.


Kwame Owusu, Adanse Asokwa Constituency Chairman


source: Theannouncergh.com