Dear Kwasi Kyei Darkwa (KKD),
I hope you are bearing up despite all the brickbats. You are experiencing something every gluttonous character has had to contend with.
It must be galling to have all the criticisms thrown back at you. It must be especially galling when the qualities that led you into a successful radio and TV personality, and then into social media commentator, are so at odds with the prevailing political culture.
Growing up, I used to admire your antics on TV. I mean the good old days of the Embassy Pleasure and your witty hosting shenanigans.
Since before most people had ever even heard of a name like “KKD,” some of us supported you. I just knew you were going to be a huge star and had talent beyond measure.
Those were the days KKD was KKD.
Despite some bumps along the road, I never once doubted that you were an interesting character.
When others accused you of arrogance and even called you a rapist, I was assured that you were simply not what they say you are.
So, when you began to act out of character, quite unlike the KKD I’d known and loved, I excused it. I hoped and wished you’d get better in time.
But you didn’t.
And it seems you never will — You are solidly the new KKD. The new KKD is all about deals, images, clothes, and women. The new KKD thinks it’s perfectly okay to trash government officials who refuse to dance to his tunes and bring them to opprobrium.
Then came your downward spiral into moral turpitude and decadence with its attendant collateral damages regarding a dozen rape accusation cases and whatnot.
That aside, your quest to meddle in partisan politics and reap the windfall has really conspired to swallow you up.
Many are posing relevant questions; why are you able to make all manner of accusations against the very government that you sought to ride on to restore your tattered credibility? Is it the case that the refusal of the state to accede to your request for the Director General position of the Ghana Broadcasting Corporation(GBC) has turned you into a pointless bitter soul?
Or perhaps, the turning down of your outrageous 'chop-chop' National Lottery Authority(NLA) deal has embittered your soul so much that you have now chosen the path of antagonism, mercenary aggression and open hostility towards the ruling regime?
I can say with all the emphasis under my control that your criticism of the ruling regime is clothed in bitterness and driven by anger over your own gluttonous self-indulgence.
You actually wanted to eat your cake and still keep it. Yes, you went to the corridors of power begging for favours, favours that had corruption written all over it. The government officials whom you were in contact with, fearing the consequences of your actions turned you down on principle and now, you have resorted to being a mercenary on the loose?
How shameful and pathetic can it get for you?
Look, there comes a time in every man’s life when he must admit that his dreams will never be realized. That time has come for you.
I know you're doing this to get noticed by the NDC, but please KKD, stop the political character assassination and the politics of attrition.
You are talented in many areas, but political communication is simply not for you. Don’t be offended by this letter: I’m only trying to help.
Truly yours
Ernest Owusu-Bempah Bonsu
(Deputy Director of Communications, NPP)