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We haven't solved all your problems but there is a TURNING POINT - Stephen Amoah


Dr. Stephen Amoah, Member of Parliament for Nhyiaeso constituency

11 months ago
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Member of Parliament for Nhyiaeso constituency, Dr. Stephen Amoah has appealed to Ghanaians to have patience with the Akufo-Addo government as it takes measures ensuring steady progress of the nation.

According to him, the government hasn't fully solved their problems but it is on track to restoring the economy post-COVID pandemic.

"If we say we have solved the problems of the country, it is not true but there has been a turning point...We are deepening restoration post-COVID economy. We are attaining stability gradually and we are heading towards growth", Dr. Stephen Amoah said while discussing the mid-year budget review presented by Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta before Parliament.

The Nhyiaeso MP called on Ghanaians to cooperate with the government by changing the way they behave.

"We can bring former President Mahama back. We can bring Nana Addo back. We can bring former President Kufour back. We can bring Tony Blair back. If the mindset and the attitude of us, as citizens/Ghanaians, don't change; forget it!"

He noted that though the government is doing all it can to improve the economy, for Ghana to get back on her feet, there needs to be a paradigm shift.

"As a country, we have some common issues that I think there should be a new paradigm shift. We must sit and think as stakeholders that why should Ghana import things like orange...These are the basic problems and things that, whether it is NDC or NPP, as a country we should say enough is enough."

He made these submissions on Peace FM's "Kokrokoo" morning show.

source: theannouncergh.com