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VIDEO: Tracey Boakye isn’t an angel either; if I release her audios, Ghana will shake – Diamond Appiah


1 years ago
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Diamond Appiah has asked those chastising her for speaking ill about Tracey Boakye to cut her some slack adding that the latter isn’t an angel as many perceive.

She said Tracey is also guilty of many things adding that if she (Diamond)  
should also leak audios of the former, the entire country will shake.

Diamond made these comments in reaction to claims that she has the tendency of poisoning Tracey.

Earlier in an interview with AdepaTV, Christiana Awuni said if Naana Brown had not released audios of Diamond Appiah to unravel her true intentions towards Tracey Boakye, Diamond would’ve poisoned her without a trace.

It was in this regard that Diamond claimed that Tracey, who is currently been touted as the victim in their ongoing fracas, has more skeletons in her cupboard.

“Ma Christie, in fact, you are one of the people I respect a lot but the comment you passed is very childish. Have you called me to hear my side of the story? Or you’re concluding based on Naana Brown’s foolish act. Have you asked Tracey whether her hands are clean? Do you know the audios Tracey and I share? If those audios come out, Ghana will overturn. Ghana will shake.

“But I am a civilized person unlike Naana Brown so I don’t plan on releasing them. I’m not the type of person who exposes her friends when they are no longer cool. The person you are defending is not an angel. What will I gain if she dies?” Diamond stated in a post shared on her Instastories.

Diamond Appiah emphasized that she has no intentions of poisoning Tracey adding that cutting her off is more than enough.

“Ask Tracey when was the last time she heard from me. It’s been long since I cut her from my life and blocked her on all platforms. But I never broadcasted it. I never told anyone about it. If you think she is my friend so I would go and poison her, then you must be sleeping. I don’t live a fake life. If I am friends with someone and I no longer want to be their friend, I cut them off and don’t pretend,” Diamond added.

What Diamond said about her former best friend, Tracey Boakye

One can recall that social media went wild after Diamond was heard in some viral audios, making a mockery of Tracey Boakye’s marriage whiles describing her as a ‘fake friend’ and a clout chaser.

In the said audios, Diamond also recounted how she and Afia Schwarzenegger deliberately boycotted Tracey’s baby christening in Kumasi among others.

How betrayal scattered the Mafia gang

The 'mafia gang' made up of Afia Schwarzenegger, Tracey Boakye, Diamond Appiah, and most recently, Brodda Sammy, have always touted themselves as the most enviable squad in Ghana.

Until recently, they have described their ties as stronger than most political parties in Ghana adding that, absolutely nothing can separate them.


source: Ghanaweb