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NDC Primaries: 47 parliamentary aspirants already declared candidates


1 years ago
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Voting is currently underway at various polling centres in the country as the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) is electing the candidate to lead them in 2024 as well as their representatives in Parliament.




There were three candidates contesting for the position of the flagbearer; that's Dr Kwabena Duffuor, former President John Mahama and former Kumasi Mayor Kojo Bonsu. However, Dr Duffuor on Friday, pulled out of the race citing some irregularities.


Speaking at a press conference on Friday, the Former Finance Minister said: “As at this time, the party has begun distributing the ballot papers to the various regions and constituencies without our involvement. I wish to reiterate my commitment to the party and grassroots, however, my concerns that the party is not ready to conduct free and fair elections is evident for all of us to see” Dr Duffour said.


“Taking part in such an event will be akin to knowingly drinking from a poisoned calabash. After consulting with my support base nationwide, I have been left with no choice but to withdraw as I cannot contest in an election blatantly flawed with irregularities regardless of all my effort to draw attention to the same” he added.


The race is now between former John Mahama and Kojo Bonsu.


47 candidates declared


The Chairman of the party, Johnson Asiedu Nketiah, at a press conference on Friday, May 12, 2023, explained that the 47 candidates, who applied to represent the party, went unopposed and that after successfully passing their vetting, they are now the elected candidates.


“We have 47 aspirants who have already been declared candidates for our 2024 elections," Mr Nketia told journalists, noting: "We have seen other places where people are contesting unopposed candidates by going to court to seek an injunction to prevent the parliamentary elections" 


"There is not going to be parliamentary elections in those places because our candidates have already been elected by law," he indicated

source: Theannouncergh.com