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Alhaji Sinare endorses Sam Gorge, Zanetor, Muntaka, others


Alhaji Sinare

1 years ago
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Ahead of this year’s presidential and parliamentary primary elections, former National Vice Chairman of the NDC, H.E. Alhaji Said Sinare, has endorsed the candidacies of Sam Dzata George, Hon. Haruna Iddrisu, Muntala Mohammed, Alhassan Suhuyini, Mohammed Mubarak Muntaka, John Abdulai Jinapor, and Zanetor Agyeman-Rawlings.


He indicated that Mr. Sam George must not lose the election because his main contender has money.


He explained that putting monetary considerations ahead of competence is dangerous because it will end up with the wrong people being elected to occupy positions in the party. Such people, he said, will not help the cause of the party.


Alhaji Sinare warned that the party would elect weak parliamentary candidates that could not win the floating voters if they were going to vote based on the money offered to them by the aspirants.


According to the former first vice chairman, delegated members have the power to elect representatives that can lead them to win power from the NPP, and as such, they should not vote for the highest bidder.


The NDC is looking to annex power from the New Patriotic Party (NPP) in the 2024 elections.


But Alhaji Sinare indicates that delegates wield the power to elect executives for the party and that they will blame them if the party does not win the 2024 polls.


He stressed that Mad. Zanetor is the only person in the Rawlings family keeping the founders' flames burning, and it will be wrong if the delegates of the party choose money over her.


Ambassador Sinare made these comments yesterday in an interview with Mr. Eric of TV XYZ in a program named "IDEA EXCHANGE."


He said there is a need to vote people into Parliament on merit and not based on financial inducements.


source: Theannouncergh.com