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Solomon Nkansah warns Sam George: Debate issues raised or direct your frustrations at your presumptive candidate


1 years ago
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Mr Solomon Nkansah of  Dr. Kwabena Duffuor's campaign team member has cautioned NDC MP for Ningo Prampram, Samuel Nartey Georg over some comments he made about his boss. 


He claimed those comments are “unfortunate”  - but advise he should  “direct your frustrations at your presumptive candidate" in a statement.


Read below the full statement 


My attention has been drawn to the GhanaWeb publication dated 13th  March 2024, in which Hon Samuel Nartey George, a member of parliament for the good people Ningo Prampram, about our revered candidate Dr. Kwabena Duffuor.


Reads " how can you promise AHOTOR when you owe your staff 17 months of salary?"


A person like Hon.Sam George who is a lawmaker knows too well that we all have our individual and corporate selves and that, the issue at stake is well-known to all Ghanaians.


Part of it which is in court and does not warrant detailed commentary for the avoidance of contempt with the courts. 


I must hasten to state in the strongest term that Dr. Kwabena Duffuor does not need persons like Sam George to advise him on how to run his businesses or how he can conduct his political life. Considering his enviable track records in both public and private lives. 

In any case, if Sam George and his surrogates have any frustration they can direct same to the appropriate quarters. What has a man's business to do with his quest to lead the NDC?

Dr. Kwabena's eminence in this country is well acknowledged and revered across geography and would certainly not take the caliber of low grades to mar his reputation in governance and private life


For the records, we are talking about NDC's presidential contest, elements like Sam George are worried about Dr. Duffuor's mega entry into the flag bearer race, which is envisaged to put an end to the opportunists' enterprise at certain quarters that continues to impede the unity and progress of the party. And therefore, whoever wants to question his capabilities, then should direct such frustrations to the person or individuals who might have spelled doom and continue to be setbacks for the collective good of the NDC.


It is his presumptive candidate who inherited LESDEP which was introduced by Dr. Duffuor and late President Mills but collapsed under a careless watch.


Again, if the structures of the party were so weak to have caused our monumental loss in the last two elections it was a result of his presumptive candidate who collapsed the HEROES FUND which was meant to motivate the grassroots in case of any unforeseen eventualities in line of party activism. why not question such for answers?

These and many more factors contributed to or have impacted negatively on the electoral fortunes of the party. 


Dr. Kwabena Duffuor's coming into the contest is to address these above-mentioned challenges neglected by your presumptive candidate and set the stage for compelling and uncompromising victory which beacons in 2024 for the party and indeed, the Ghanaian people.


In any case, what wrong did Dr. Kwabena DUFFUOR commit in the NDC or any place of his competent life that warrants such unfortunate guts from a young chap of his caliber? He, Sam George has directed his tantrums and unguided comments at the wrong person and, certainly not in his little estimation about the person of Dr.Duffuor or his reputation.


We are in a contest of issues, ideas, and programs that would help build a strong and formidable party and by extension, for a victory in the 2024 elections promised to rebirth the GHANAIAN DREAM by the special Grace of God.


Sam George, was this your next line of action after your failed bid to foil Team Duffour's campaign coming into your constituency? 


Please learn to grow.



Solomon Nkansah.

Dr. Duffuor Campaign


Cc All Media Houses.

source: Theannouncergh.com