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Soldiers invading Ashaiman is absolute disrespect to Ghana Police - Nana Ofori fumes

Local News

Nana Ofori Owusu, PPP National Chairman

1 years ago
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The National Chairman of the Progressive People's Party (PPP), Nana Ofori Owusu has fired missiles at the Ghana Armed Forces over the soldiers' invasion of Ashaiman regarding the death of a young soldier,  Imoro Sherrif.

Imoro Sherrif was brutally killed in the community on his way home after seeking permission from his authorities.

The death of the young trooper caused a group of soldiers to raid the Ashaiman community, beating the residents pitilessly.

Tackling the issue on Peace FM's 'Kokrokoo' programme Monday morning, Nana Ofori Owusu questioned the constitutional right of the Military to enter Ashaiman and inflict pain on the residents.

"The Military has no right to invade communities and take the law into their hands . . . we cannot condone this single act. It's just not possible. That the unfortunate loss of life, any loss of life has gone against the State but the Millitary cannot circumvent the structures we have as a society because if you do that, you are eroding the confidence in our security system in terms of the Police and the work we have to do in this country. Train for external aggression is different from internal investigation and apprehension of culprits in our society. We need law and order. We need discipline and we need the discipline from the Military," he stated.

To him, "They should have gone through the Police. They should have held emergency meetings with the Police for the Police to teach them the structures and processes to follow to make sure that the people who committed this heinous crime by stabbing and killing the gentleman are brought to book..."

Nana Ofori Owusu concluded that the soldiers' operation is a complete disrespect to the Ghana Police Service.

"They must act within the realms of the constitution and respect other institutions of State because, to me, it is a disrespect against the Police," he said.

source: theannouncergh.com