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NDC primaries: Akatsi South NDC promises Mahama 100% votes from Volta


1 years ago
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Ahead of the May 2023 presidential and parliamentary primaries of the NDC, the Akatsi South branch of the party, under the aegis of Mr. Anthony Kwadzo Owusu (Westfalia), has promised to mobilize not less than 100% votes for former President H.E. John Dramani Mahama, presidential candidate hopeful of the opposition National Democratic Party (NDP) in the forthcoming poll.


The party led by Mr. Owusu said it desired a more secure, economically buoyant, and better country for all, hence the need to support an experienced and well-prepared leader against other presidential candidates.


Reiterating the statement made by the Akatsi South constituency on Friday, Mr. Samuel B.K. Nugblega, a parliamentary aspirant, also noted that he has appointed some 28 coordinators across the constituency as part of strategies to achieve the target goal set by the party.


He said, "former President John Dramani Mahama will not only bring stability and prosperity but will also bring sustainable growth so we can usher in the fabrication of a new generation of political, business, and economic leaders, create manufacturing opportunities, build new enterprises, provide social infrastructure, mentor new entrepreneurs, and strengthen the small and medium-scale enterprises, which are the bedrock of any serious and successful country."


Mr. Samuel B.K. Nugblega, however, urged citizens of Akatsi at home and abroad to forget about political affiliation and see a future in him as the next parliamentary candidate of the opposition NDC.


Mr. Japhet Festus Gbede also explained to the media why he thinks former President John Dramani Mahama should be voted into power.


 Mr. Gbede, the outspoken former deputy communication officer aspirant  remarked on some of the key factors, saying, "It is too late to fail." The success of Ghana is non-negotiable; the Ghana dream must be realized. Whether it is a kid from Sremanu, Have, or Wuxor, that kid has a right to a decent life and an opportunity to actualize his or her dreams under the next NDC government led by former President Mahama.


source: Theannouncergh.com